
August 19, 2011

Hello to all of you born between 1946 and 1962.
How is it for all of you? Still trying to live the "American Dream", or, have you finally realized that it is, in actuality, becoming the American Nightmare?

We all had to sit around and watch Bush-Cheney literally GIVE AWAY billions to Wall Street and the banks without any transparency. The banks and Wall St. destroyed the economy and still gave themselves millions in bonuses with OUR money while thousands of homes were foreclosed. This is not America.
Families losing their homes only to set up tent cities in parks. This is not America.
14,000,000 people out of work without hope. This is not America.

Social Security is in jeopardy. Republicans would have Social Security "privatized" to be at the mercy of Wall Street and the banks.
Medicare is in jeopardy. What do we do now?
Our Republican/Tea Party House of Representatives wants cuts to the handouts, like social security and medicare, to decrease the deficit, but still will not fix the subsidies to corporations, nor increase the tax rate of the top 2%. The middle class is disappearing.

What do we do now?
Many Americans have sold their houses, taken their 401K's and IRA's and have left.
You never see the daily media covering the stories of expats who have found a much better life for themselves outside the USA. As we get older, we need to be much more aware and careful. The pharmaceutical alliance keeps profits up by keeping us sick. I had the good fortune of reading a story of an expat living in Merida, Mexico to help open my eyes. This American had moved out of the USA so he would have enough money for retirement. He wasn't feeling well and went to a local doctor in Merida. After a blood work-up, the doctor wanted to know who had put him on 7 medications. The American explained it was his doctor back in the USA. The Mexican doctor took him off 5 of the 7 meds. The American returned a couple of weeks later for a follow up and couldn't believe how wonderful he was feeling in only a short time. The doctor explained the 5 meds he had stopped were were unnecessary and conflicted with each other.

What Americans are unaware of is that the insurance companies do not always follow the instructions of the doctors concerning patients. The insurance giants will always do what is good for them and their profits and NOT necessarily in the best interests of the patient.

If you're in the position to do so, sell your house, cash in your 401K/IRA, and take the money and run.