
September 20, 2011

Class War?

John Boehner calls the rich paying their share a class war!

There is something VERY wrong in this country! When 71% OF THE PEOPLE think the wealthy do not pay their fair share of taxes and their elected representatives don't give a damn, it may be time for a change in government. 

These morons in Washington, D.C. who were elected just seem to do whatever they want to protect the wealthy and the corporations. We can all thank Republicans and the Tea Party for continuing the financial destruction of our country.

They would have you believe that this depression (NOT recession) is caused by the spending of the present administration. Well, I hate to admit it, but the American people are dumb enough to believe it. It just so happens that the fiscal plans of Bush-Cheney have been continued through the present administration. The Republicans have no plan except to attack President Obama.

No matter what the Republicans may say, the first stimulus worked.
The following link shows that from 2/2009 to 2/2010, 400,000 jobs were created.

Somebody out there has to wake up before it's too late!

September 9, 2011

Did You See It?

Did you see the Republican debate Wednesday?
Personally, I had to turn it off after the first 30 minutes. I get a little peeved when intelligent questions are not answered or side stepped. Their answers indicate that none of them have a plan or a clue. 

A 0% corporate tax? They've got to be kidding!
9% corporate tax, 9% personal income tax, and a 9% national sales tax on top of state sales tax? Sounds like they'll burden what's left of the middle class!

What is it with them? Make the big corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share!
Okay, so the USA has the highest corporate tax in the world at 35%. It's alright to lower this to a more normal level, but only after all the corporate tax loop holes are corrected.
Why do the wealthy, the top 2%, pay lower rates than we do? Even Warren Buffet has said to tax the wealthy.

Who are the Republicans/Tea Party protecting?

Cut Medicare? Reform Medicare!
Cut Social Security? Then pay me every penny that's been deposited to my account!

The quickest way for the USA to go broke is to follow what the Republicans want.

Stop the wars. Bring the troops home from Iraq, Afganistan, Germany, South Korea, and wherever else they're not needed. Stop sending aid to Pakistan. Stop exporting American crude oil which is less expensive than the imported Arab oil.

These elected officials are not putting the best interests of the American people first.

President Obama HAS a plan. 

Check it out:

September 7, 2011

It's the Republicans that have NO CLUE

Have you all seen the Republican Hype? THEY are saying President Obama has no clue. How laughable is this? A Republican administration for 8 years drove this country into the ground. Less regulation on the banks and Wall Street, 2 wars, subsidies and tax breaks for big oil, and no increases on the wealthiest 2%. 

They talk about more tax cuts and more "spending" cuts. How about not making more cuts in the programs that help the poor and the middle class and taxing those that deserve to pay their fair share. As Mr. Buffet mentioned, "...we should stop being coddled."

Sarah Palin, in her usual uneducated rhetoric, says corporation taxes should be eliminated.
Do any of the GOP have a brain? We have millions out of work. Obviously this severely decreases the revenue. Decreasing corporate tax has not and will never stimulate the economy. The corporations will hold on to the extra money to improve their profits and their bottom line and insure their bonuses. The "trickle down" theory has never worked. Those that are given the opportunity to hold on to more cash will hold on to it.

President Obama is being blamed for the poor state of the country. It is the Republicans that caused it and it is the Republicans that will proliferate it until they are in the white house. It is a very sad situation that a party is more interested in their power and the favors they must do for those who contributed to them, than in the people they are supposed to be representing. This was obvious in the stalemate to raise the debt ceiling. Boehner said, with quite a bit of pride, that he "got 98%" of what he wanted. 

This is not supposed to be a contest. The fate of America seems to be in the hands of extremely incompetent representatives that have no interest in the people.