
September 20, 2011

Class War?

John Boehner calls the rich paying their share a class war!

There is something VERY wrong in this country! When 71% OF THE PEOPLE think the wealthy do not pay their fair share of taxes and their elected representatives don't give a damn, it may be time for a change in government. 

These morons in Washington, D.C. who were elected just seem to do whatever they want to protect the wealthy and the corporations. We can all thank Republicans and the Tea Party for continuing the financial destruction of our country.

They would have you believe that this depression (NOT recession) is caused by the spending of the present administration. Well, I hate to admit it, but the American people are dumb enough to believe it. It just so happens that the fiscal plans of Bush-Cheney have been continued through the present administration. The Republicans have no plan except to attack President Obama.

No matter what the Republicans may say, the first stimulus worked.
The following link shows that from 2/2009 to 2/2010, 400,000 jobs were created.

Somebody out there has to wake up before it's too late!

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